MEED Risk Assessment Read through the items so you know what to assess Determine the answers to the items by interviewing the patient, doing an examination or consulting carers. Note the terms of use The results will be presented when you submit the form. If you also want a copy by email, enter your email at the end All fields are required - select 'Not relevant or not done' if check not performed What is the patient's rate of weight loss?(Required) Under 0.5kg per week 0.5 to 0.99kg per week 1kg or more per week Not relevant or not done If 18 years or over, what is the patient's BMI? (If under 18 check %median BMI)(Required) %mBMI calculator Sex --select-- Male Female Age (years and months) 10 years 11 years 12 years 13 years 14 years 15 years 16 years 17 years 0 months 1 month 2 months 3 months 4 months 5 months 6 months 7 months 8 months 9 months 10 months 11 months 50th %ile BMI: Height (m) Weight (kg) Patient BMI: %mBMI: Notes: BMI = Weight (kg) / Height (m)2. %mBMI = (BMI / 50th percentile of BMI for age and sex)*100.Source of median BMI data: World Health Organisation (2007) BMI 15 or more or, for <18 yr %mBMI > 80% BMI 13-14.9 or, for <18 yr %mBMI 70-80% BMI less than 13, or, for <18 yr, %mBMI <70% Not relevant or not done What is the patient's waking pulse?(Required) 50 + beats per minute 40-50 beats per minute <40 beats per minute Not relevant or not done What is the patient's standing blood pressure?(Required) Over 90 mm Hg <90 mm Hg with occasional syncope <90 mm Hg with recurrent syncope Not relevant or not done Are there any ECG abnormalities?(Required) No Yes but not clinically significant Yes and clinically significant Not relevant or not done What is the patient's fluid intake?(Required) Minimal or no fluid restriction Severe fluid restriction Total fluid refusal Not relevant or not done What is the patient's state of hydration?(Required) No or mild dehydration Moderate clinical dehydration Severe clinical dehydration Not relevant or not done What is the patient's core (aural or rectal) temperature?(Required)For oral temperature add 0.5 deg C. For axillary add another 0.5 deg C More than 36 deg C 35.5-36 deg C Less than 35.5 deg C Not relevant or not done What is the patient's score on the SUSS (SitUpSquatStand) test?(Required)See: How to do the SUSS test Able to sit up from lying flat or get up from squat with no difficulty (Score 3) Unable to sit up from lying flat or get up from squat without noticeable difficulty (Score 2) Unable to sit up from lying flat or get up from squat at all or only by using upper limbs to help (Score 0 or 1) Not relevant or not done What is the patient's hand grip strength?(Required) Male >38kg, Female >23kg Male 30.5-38kg, Female 17.5-23kg Male <30.5kg, Female <17.5kg Not relevant or not done What is the patient's Mid Upper Arm Circumference?(Required) >20cm 18-20cm <18cm Not relevant or not done Other clinical states(Required) None, or mild physical symptoms Non life-threatening but significant medical condition Life-threatening medical condition Not relevant or not done Food restriction(Required) No or mild restriction Severe restriction (<50% daily requirements) Acute food refusal or <500 kcal per day for 2 or more days Not relevant or not done Activity and exercise(Required) Mild or no dysfunctional exercise (<1hr/day) when undernourished Moderate levels of dysfunctional exercise (1-2 hr/day) when undernourished High levels of dysfunctional exercise (>2 hr/day) when undernourished Not relevant or not done Purging behaviours(Required) No purging behaviour Regular (3 or more times per week) vomiting or laxative abuse Multiple daily episodes of vomiting or laxative abuse Not relevant or not done Self harm/suicidal thoughts and acts(Required) No suicidal ideation or active risk. Historical risk may be present Cutting or other self harm behaviours or suicidal ideas. Low risk of completed suicide Self harm, self poisoning or suicidal ideas with moderate to high risk of completed suicide Not relevant or not done Abnormal blood tests(Required) None or mild Non life-threatening abnormalities Life-threatening abnormalities Not relevant or not done Engagement with management plan(Required) Cooperative with treatment Ambivalent about accepting treatment with some resistance to change Actively resisting treatment interventions Not relevant or not done Receive a copy of the results by email?Results will be shown on screen. Enter your email address below if you also want to receive a copy by email. We do not store email addresses. Patient initials/referenceIf you're using this tool for multiple patients, we add this and the date to the results to help you distinguish between them. Please do not include full names or identifiers. We do not store this data.If you have one, what is your medical specialism?We only ask this to help us understand what types of people are using this tool General adult medical Adult gastroenterology General adult psychiatry Specialist eating disorder service Paediatrics Parent/carer Other What is your medical role? Doctor Dietitian Nurse Therapist Psychologist ACP Student or Trainee Other